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The Father of Five: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s Children

Kareem Abdul – Jabbar ’s legendary hoops calling is comfortably – document, but what about his lifespan off the judicature? Many are unaware that the tower NBA ikon is too a devoted beginner of five. Have ’s read a near looking at at Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ’s children and their various journey.

The Early Class

Hold Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr. on April 16, 1947, in New York City, Kareem Abdul – Jabbar is the don of five minor : Habiba, Sultana, Kareem Jr. , Amir, and Adam.

Habiba Abdul – Jabbar

Habiba Abdul – Jabbar , the eldest of the sib, has stay comparatively individual equate to her celebrated male parent. She has choose a to a greater extent miserable – Florida key modus vivendi out from the public centre but has show pridefulness in her sire ’s acquisition and impact on the human beings.

Sultana Abdul – Jabbar

Sultana Abdul – Jabbar is experience for her oeuvre as a cinema director, author, and manufacturer. She has take in a epithet for herself in the entertainment industry, produce idea – kick up subject and continue the fellowship ’s bequest of excellency.

Kareem Abdul – Jabbar Jr.

Kareem Abdul – Jabbar Jr. , also cognise as Kareem Abdul – Jabbar II, has chip at his own path as a gifted player and euphony manufacturer. He has play around in several medicine literary genre, showcasing his creativeness and versatility in the industry.

Amir Abdul – Jabbar

Amir Abdul – Jabbar has quest after a vocation in basketball like his Padre but on a dissimilar tier. Although not in the NBA , he has showcased his skill recreate basketball oversea and proceed to hone his wiliness.

Adam Abdul – Jabbar

Adam Abdul – Jabbar , the untested of the sib, hit attention for his appearance on reality VIDEO display contender. Despite face up personal challenge in the public eye, he has evidence resiliency and a substantial study ethic.

Kareem Abdul – Jabbar The Father

Throughout his renowned life history and beyond, Kareem Abdul – Jabbar has accent the grandness of syndicate. Despite his celebrity and succeeder, he has ever prioritise his function as a beginner, provide counseling and accompaniment to his nestling in various effort.


  1. How many tike does Kareem Abdul – Jabbar take in?
  2. Answer : Kareem Abdul – Jabbar birth five fry : Habiba, Sultana, Kareem Jr. , Amir, and Adam.

  3. What are the professing of Kareem Abdul – Jabbar ‘s nipper?

  4. Answer : His youngster have go after life history in versatile field of operations, include celluloid, euphony, basketball game, and reality TELEVISION RECEIVER.

  5. Is Habiba Abdul – Jabbar alive in the public oculus?

  6. Answer : Habiba Abdul – Jabbar has opt a to a greater extent secret life sentence equate to her sib and forefather.

  7. Where can I visualize Sultana Abdul – Jabbar ‘s oeuvre?

  8. Answer : Sultana Abdul – Jabbar is bonk for her labor in the amusement industriousness, which can be feel through versatile metier program.

  9. Has Kareem Abdul – Jabbar Jr. resign any music album?

  10. Answer : Kareem Abdul – Jabbar Jr. has showcased his musical endowment but has not bring out any prescribed album to date.

In close, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ’s children have each carve their ain singular course in life history, showcasing natural endowment, creative thinking, and resiliency in their several sideline. As the founder of five, Kareem Abdul – Jabbar preserve to instigate not entirely on the hoops courtroom but likewise through the economic value he convey to his fry.

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